Ponce City Market

Atlanta, Georgia

Copyright: Nejron Photo/Shutterstock.com
DESTINATIONS georgia atlanta Shopping Ponce City Market

Ponce City Market

No trip to Atlanta is complete without a visit to the Ponce City Market, an old warehouse turned into a modern and spacious food market and shopping center. Nice place to hang out with your family and friends and browse though the shops, because the real reason you should come here is to try their eclectic selection of food, there is something to suit any taste.


As Atlanta is quite cosmopolitan, it is easy to find what you are looking for, be it trendy or tacky, funky or fashionable or anything you can think of in-between. The city and its suburbs are teeming with malls, neighborhood shops, galleries and antiques. Malls are by far the most convenient place to shop since most of them have parking, entertainment options and restaurants. For bargains, you have to drive a little out of the way to the North Georgia Premium Outlets in Dawnsville or Discover Mills in Lawrenceville.